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Find/Replace window
Find/Replace window allows to search for and replace text.
Search for
Specifies text to be searched.
Replace with
Specifies replacement text.
Find Next
Finds specified text.
Replaces search text with replacement text and finds next occurrence of search text.
Replace All
Relpaces all occurrences of search text with replacement text.
Case sensitive
Searches only for occurrences that match the combination of uppercase and lowercase characters you enter in the Search for box.
Whole words only
Searches only for whole words rather than matching the text you enter in the Search for box as it occurs within words.
Regular expressions
Enable to search text from top to bottom.
Enable to search text from bottom to top.
From cursor
Enable to search text starting from cursor position .
Entire scope
Enable to start search from the very beginning.
Searches through all text.
Selected text
Searches only through selected text.
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